The anticipated 5th entry in the epic third-person shooter franchise,Gears 5, has finally arrived and has been met with (largely) positive reception.
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The game has somewhat marked a return to the more gritty, close-range combat sensibilities of earlierGearsgames, while upping the ante with a slew of insane weapons, player customizations, along with new game modes and environments. This whirlwind of content can make the pvp multiplayer arena a bit intimidating for newcomers, and even for someGears of Warvets who may need to shake off some rust.
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But have no fear, we're here to help! Let's lock and load as we go over 10 pro tips forGears 5 that will improve your game.
10 Active, Active, Active!
One of the most distinct (and satisfying) attributes of theGearsseries is the ability to perform an "Active Reload." This is something of a micro-gamewithina game that allows you to temporarily beef up the strength of your weapon in just a few seconds - assuming you don't flub the timing.
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It's true that the timing and length of the Active Reload can be pretty rough on certain weapons (Longshot, anyone?), which could leave you tied-up in the likely event of messing up an Active in the heat of battle. However, for your more basic go-to weapons, such as the Lancer, Gnasher, and pistols, you'll want to get into the habit of rocking these Actives on the regular, especially if you're idle andremovedfrom distractions. Theaddition inpower can make all the difference in winning those close, hard-fought duels.
9 Couple Quick Aiming With Quick Firing
This is a relatively simply move, but when executed quickly and efficiently, can gogreat lengthsin helping you notch cleaner, quicker kills more easily. Aiming down the sights with your Gnasher in quick bursts while alsofiringwill basically give you the added precision of aiming with the speed and power of blind-fire shooting.
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This swift combo is known as a "Pop Shot," and when done correctly, will allow you to truly pop-off in battle,increasing your odds at coming out on top during intense duels.
8 When In Doubt, Gnash It Out
Despite the now largepaletteof weapons at your disposal, along with someGears 5debuts, the Gnasher is stillessentiallythe weaponto opt for inGearsmultiplayer. At least, this is the case in close-rangefights, which is frequently how things end up shaking out - especially in King of the Hill, which forces close combat. While this weapon's been dialed back a bit in power compared to its early days, it's still a beast.
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The days of the Sawed-Off Shotgun are over, which means the Gnasher reigns supreme once again as the choice for making mince-meat out of opponents up-close. When aiming down the sightsand firing blindly, you'll usually want to stick with the Gnasher when looking for the quickest, most effective one-shot kills. This of course, assumes you'renotplaying Arcade Mode, which often strips you of this gun.
7 JACK Attack
This focuses primarily on the campaign mode, in addition to Horde.
JACK is a super useful tool that can help you get that extra lift and make it easier to power through the onslaught of enemies. Throughout the campaign missions, be sure to scour the area for components which can be used to upgrade your bot. These are often found on the outskirts of areas; especially in buildings. Busting out a Shock Trap on a gaggle of foes, or getting augmented with a shield can go a long way in giving you a leg-up during the harderpartsof the campaign.
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Related: Every Gears 5 Horde Mode Ultimate Ability, Ranked
In Horde, you'll often want to take advantage of a Jack player, too. His speed and versatility - with the ability to output ample repairs and damage while carrying around weapons - is invaluable in Horde. He can even take control of an enemy with his satisfying Ultimate.
Given the abundance of nooks, crannies, and chest-high walls, you'll want to take advantage of theGears-specific ability to rig walls with grenade tags. This proves especially useful during King of the Hill, where you'll be able to anticipate an area your opponents will be running towards. Take care to make sure these grenades are well-hidden, or at least obstructed somewhat so they aren't easily recognized.
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You can also notch a tag onto an enemy themselves, which will make for an amusing one-hit kill. Just make sure you get out of Dodge when executing this move, as foes will often try to take you to Hades with them by running towards you.
5 Stick To The Fringes - And To Walls
PerhapsGears' chief characteristic is its emphasis on covering. That's why you often find yourself amidst clusters of endless short walls. Use them! Be sure to poke out of cover at relatively short, sporadic intervals when targeting foes from across the way. You can also perform a much safer, but far less accurate blind-fire over walls, and utilize them for mantle kicks as well as newly implemented cover grabs on foes.
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In rare instances where you'renotcovered, or near a chest-high wall, you'll still want to generally hang near the sides of the map when moving. At the very least, try to stay away from the open, high-traffic areas in the center of the map, where you'll become an easy target.
4 Be A Team Player
Being the team-centric game thatGears 5 typically is, you'll want to try and help theteamfirst and foremost, rather than just focusing on padding your stats or going for several solo kills.
This can mean a number of things, depending on the circumstances. In Team Deathmatch, it may simply mean helping a teammate in danger by peppering a distant foe with Lancer fire as they're being chased. In King of the Hill, it might mean scrambling to the point to earn a crucial flip to help your team win, even if it means moving toa dangerous spot. Basically, the team comes first, and you'll want to do what you can to pull your weight, considering there will only be a maximum of 4 other players to carry the burden.
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3 Pop Off Walls While Aiming
This technique proves a bit more subtle and tricky to pull off effectively, but it can truly make an impact if performed the right way.
Related: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In Gears 5
With the frantic, fast-paced nature ofGears5's multiplayer, it's crucial to be quick on your feet. One lesser-known method to help you do this is called the "Lefty-Flip." This combines defensive positioning with offensive prowess; as it allows you to quickly back from cover and maneuver while landing afinalblow. To perform this move, aim down the sight of your Gnasher or pistol while in cover. As you keep holding LB to aim, quickly pull back on the left joystick to back away from cover and fire at a nearby target.
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2 Tinkering With Sensitivity - And Overall Optimal Settings
There's of course subjectivity to this, as preference will vary when it comes to the control schemes and sensitivity.
As a general rule, you'll want to stick with the "Classic-Alt" setting, with omnidirectional rolling off. Additionally, your sensitivity should reside in the high-20s for look, target, and zoom sensitivity. Aim acceleration should sit at10, withinner and outer dead zone at0-5. This combination of settings will shave off a bit of input delay, making your movement a tad swifter and cleaner, while allowing you to aim quicker and more effectively. However, you can play around with this and test out it feels against bots.
1 Frantic, Sporadic Movement
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When playingGears 5, you may notice players frantically running and shifting around as if they've consumed a bit too much caffeine. It turns out, there is a method to this madness. What these players are doing is called Wall-Bouncing.
To execute it, you'll want toquickly spam your cover execution from one wall to another while running from wall to wall. If done properly, this will make it seem as though you're bouncing from wall to wall, as the game's cover animation essentially pulls you into it within a certain range. If there are no walls nearby, try to do a sort of zig-zag move from left to right as you run. These techniques make you quite difficult to hit, as you're a constantly shifting target.